Resuming in-person sessions

Things to remember when going back to in-person sessions

Well done! You've scheduled your session and now it's time to get ready.
Re-thinking how we engage

In light of COVID19, there are a few precautionary measures that we all need to take to ensure the safety of ourselves and our loved ones.

Some questions:

1. Have you experienced a fever in the last 2-14 days?

2. Have you experienced a cough in the last 2-14 days?

3. Have you experienced shortness of breath in the last 2-14 days?

4. Have you been in contact with someone who has tested Covid-19 positive?

Let's reschedule

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to self-isolate or get tested as soon as possible.

We will also need to reschedule our session. Take care of yourself.

It's time to meet again

If you answered no to all of these questions, here are some practical precautions we will be taking.

Pre- and post-session:

1. Your details and temperature will be taken at reception and you may utilize the hand sanitizer provided.

2. Please refrain from leaning on or touching any common area surfaces, including counters and door handles.

3. Please do not touch your face (eyes, nose, mouth) until you have left the practice and sanitized your hands once again.

During our session:

1. If you feel comfortable to, you may remove your mask in the therapy room.

2. I will wear my mask for the duration of the session.

3. You may utilize the hand sanitizer provided in the therapy room.

4. Please use the tissues provided if you need to dry you eyes.

Here at the practice

While we are taking every precaution to ensure the safety of our clients, including:

. Temperature check for all staff, patients, and clients

. Spacing out appointments to allow time to sanitize the practice

. Additional cleaning of the premises with a UV light

- we encourage you to be as safe and hygienic as possible before and after your visit.

And that’s it.

Let's all stay healthy and well.

See you soon (';') and remember our new address at 273 Bryanston Drive!


Say if you've got any questions.